The Premium Ticket which gives you access to:

The video presentations for a full year

This is ideal if you want more than two weeks to watch everything, or if you want to refer to the presentations later on.

The ECRUU Special Reports Bundle

which contains reports from all the speakers and companies involved in ECRUU Sugar Week. This is great to get access to valuable market intelligence from a range of experts.

How much does the Premium Ticket cost?

The Premium Ticket is available at a discount price of US$ 197 up until the end of ECRUU Sugar Week.

Once the week is over, the ticket will be available for its full price of US$ 247.

Premium Tickets continue to be available after the end of ECRUU Sugar Week. 


What’s inside the ECRUU Special Reports Bundle?

The Bundle is made of 17 reports contributed by our speakers. Each report is a valuable resource to help you gain insight into the current sugar market, while at the same time get a better understanding of the type of services offered by each speaker.

Here’s the list of reports you’ll find in the bundle (listed in alphabetical order of company names.)

Comdex India Weekly Report
– 13 September 2024

Comdex India’s Weekly Report is written by policy expert Kiran Wadhwana. It keeps clients updated on the situation in India as well as what to expect going forward.

CovrigAnalytics Weekly Market Update
– 17 September 2024

The Weekly Market Update includes cash value updates from around the world, as well as an in-depth analysis of the recent developments in the sugar market.

CZ – Advise Market View 

– May 2024

CZ Premium Subscriptions allow you to take complete control over your hedging and procurement strategy, all while having your own expert analyst by your side. Our subscriptions are as close as you can get to being at the centre of a supply chain advisory company. We offer a weekly Market View, which gives price risk management advice using the combined expertise of CZ’s global team, plus monthly Trade Flow, Order Flow, Hedging and Statistical analysis. Find out more here:

GlobalData EU Sugar Market Monitor – June 2024

GlobalDatas EU Sugar Market Monitor is a monthly report that looks at the most important developments in the EU sugar and ethanol markets. In this report, youll find the latest on pricing, planting, competition with other crops, weather and crop development as well update balance sheets (consumption, production, exports/imports etc).

Green Pool Global Weekly Sugar Analysis
16 September 2024

Green Pools Weekly Sugar Analysis offers readers an in-depth look at the weeks events in the world sugar market, and what to look out for, going forward. It includes a global market overview and a focus on important countries, harvests and/or weather changes. Physical (cash) premiums are updated in the report, as well as any impactive changes in domestic sugar prices.

Greenleaf Indian Sugar Report – 14 June 2024
14 June 2024  

Greenleafs Indian Sugar Report is a weekly report looking at all the latest developments in the Indian sugar market, from supply & demand outlook, policy, weather and prices.

HedgePoint Sugar & Ethanol Monthly Update
June 2024

Hedgepoint’s Global Outlook – Supply & Demand and Trade Flows provides a comprehensive analysis of the current fundamentals of sugar and ethanol. This report covers critical countries, including Brazil, India, Thailand, and China, and presents the company’s stance on sugar availability. The content is crafted to help sugar market participants gain a deeper understanding of price trends driven by fundamental factors, thereby facilitating more effective risk management.

ISO Quarterly Market Outlook – June 2024

The ISO’s Quarterly Market Outlook offers an in-depth analysis and projections on sugar and ethanol market trends, covering key aspects such as market developments, production, consumption, trade, prices, and policy developments. It includes sections on the WTO, alternative sweeteners, molasses, alcohol, currency updates, and Regional Trade Agreements. These reports provide timely insights to help stakeholders navigate market dynamics and make informed decisions.

Julian Price Guest Article
– June 2024 

This report is a global overview written by Julian Price for Sudzucker. Julian monitors EU and UK sugar trade news which you will find available on this website or via an RSS feed. Official data relating to sugar trade flows, sugar production, sugar import quotas and the like are regularly updated and visualized using Microsoft Power BI ™.

Kulea – Q1 2024 Africa Sugar Report t

Kulea’s Quarterly Africa Sugar Report gives an extensive market analysis of the presented threats and potential opportunities in the continent’s commodity space. With valuable insights on sugar prices, parities, and exciting new features within the industry, we aim to empower all stakeholders with the latest insights that help to manage risk and improve profitability within the African commodities markets.

Marcus Weather World Sugar Crop & Weather Update
– June 2024 

Marcus Weather’s monthly sugar weather risk update provides clients with a detailed summary season to date weather impact on sugarcane and sugar beet yield and production and forecast for weather induced changes up to three months ahead. This is intended to give traders a forward look into fundamental stories affecting sugar price discovery through greater clarity on expected changes in production and balance sheet for raw sugar.

Marex Weekly Sugar Report
– July 2023

The Weekly Sugar Report is Marex’s flagship report produced by Robin Shaw. With market data and insights in your inbox every week, the report gives you the highest level of market commentary, insights, and technical analysis to formulate your trading ideas. Marex’s sugar report keeps you up-to-date on what’s shaping the sugar market – and how you can manage your trading and risk.

Pakistan’s 2022/23 Crop Year Overview Report

PAR’s 2022/23 overview report includes the post-harvest survey report, the balance sheet, stocks and imports as well as cane’s costs of production.

S&P Global Commodity Insight Short Term Sugar Market Outlook
June 2024

The S&P Global Commodity Insight Short Term Sugar Market Outlook is a monthly report that looks at all the recent important developments in the sugar supply and demand as well as in trade flows. It offers an in-depth analysis of the futures markets and updates both on a global and regional scale, while giving an outlook on price trends.

Deepcore Raw Sugar Prices Index & Sugar Futures Contracts Correlation
– June 2024

In this report, The Deepcore uses its Spot Physical Sugar Prices Index to look at the correlation between physical premiums and sugar futures.

Volatility in the sugar and cocoa markets has recently captured the attention of numerous investment funds. Particularly, sugar, a market known for its opacity and niche characteristics, presents a challenging landscape for analysis and prediction. To address this, Deepcore provides traders and fund managers with the Deepcore Spot Physical Sugar Prices Index, offering a strategic advantage by allowing users to monitor real-time cash sugar prices ahead of the market.

TRS Sugar & Ethanol Weekly 
– 7 July 2024 

TRSSugar & Ethanol Weekly Report gives clients an in-depth understanding of the latest and most important developments in the global sugar and ethanol markets. The report provides updated supply & demand as well as tradeflow balance sheets and flags what to look out for going forward.

Vesper’s Weekly Sugar Report
– 19 June 2024 

Marcus Weather’s monthly sugar weather risk update provides clients with a detailed summary season to date weather impact on sugarcane and sugar beet yield and production and forecast for weather induced changes up to three months ahead. This is intended to give traders a forward look into fundamental stories affecting sugar price discovery through greater clarity on expected changes in production and balance sheet for raw sugar.